Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Cake and Running

Mel met up with Kristi for tea this afternoon, and Kristi gave up an ENORMOUS box of her fantastic pastries, which normally get sent to posh hotels in DC.So we had tea and pastries and scrabble when i got back from work. There were enough calories in there to persuade me (not Mel - that would be very unlikely) to go for a run.I went 1.9 miles without stopping according to the USATF website (to be truthful they can't ratify whether or not I stopped) which is a personal record (at least in a long time). Maybe I will do a run with Catherine some time!

1 comment:

  1. at the risk of double-posting this (i already did, but it doesn't seem to have recorded it?):

    YAY! always glad to oblige! :) i'm also glad y'all enjoyed them - if you had to run, then that reassures me that y'all ate lots! :) Can't wait to see y'all Wednesday!
