Sunday 20 September 2009

Pathetic Facebook blog feedback envy

Petty it might be, but I can't help but feel aggrieved. I have been writing a blog now for over a week. I won't lie, the idea of a blog appeals - speaking at great length about my day should come easy, and believing people would care even easier, but is actually slightly difficult to get round to. But I do it. Not only that but I worked out how to get Facebook to link to the blog (not technically true - I actually just found a webpage posted by someone who had, which is similar but less impressive, or more, depending on you views on the effort/results thing).
So here's my gripe. Yes, about to get there now. Out of kindness, I also set Mel's facebook up to link to the blog too. Because we are married and because most of the things we do, we do together. But what I don't get, and what really gets me going, is that people add facebook comments to the postings on Mels' account, not mine. They 'like' the post on her acccount, not the identical one on mine. They leave comments likewise. It's not that I don't love the interaction; it's just that I object to it being directed at Mel. Who doesn't write this blog. Did I mention yet that I do. Not Mel. Just to be clear.
OK. I'm done now. Today is a great day in Baltimore - all sunny and stuff. Plus our bed arrives within the hour. Hurrah.


  1. but to be fair, it only ever shows up in my feed under Mel...

  2. That's what everyone says. I blame facebook. And Mel ;-)

  3. As well, you also stated that your Baltimore friends were not to read your blog--so to post would then "out" us!! Hence, the non-posts!

